Sunday 27 March 2016

You Create Your Reality

You were probably programmed or taught from childhood to face facts, the reality. And the belief was, there is only one reality which everyone lives in or experiences. Or you were taught others shape the reality you live in. Most especially, you were programmed to focus so much on negative things or facts
going on in the reality or around you, talk more about them, fight against them or continue to point them out for a change. And you grew up with these beliefs, definitions or perspectives about what reality, fact or life is.

It’s not your parents, society, educational systems or people’s fault that you have or had these beliefs or programs. Because they transferred same beliefs transferred to them to you.

Every human being in this Universe has his or her own reality, different from others. There is no single or one reality in the Universe.

You might be having and or complaining of lack or limitations of money or material things in your experience, while someone else living in same country, state, town or street might be constantly having more than enough not to feel lack of material things in his/her experience. He is living in another reality, while you are living in yours.

You might be experiencing and or complaining lack, shortage or high price of Fuel to keep your lion on the road. While another in same country, state or town is constantly having enough fuel every moment in his Lion, because his or her wallet or bank account could afford fuel at whatever price sold, without his or her wallet or bank account feeling it a bit. Same street, town, state or country, but different realities.

You might be complaining of poor Salary or profits you earn or make monthly or annually. While another in same country or place could be earning or making millions of monies monthly, not even annually. Two Individuals in same place with 2 different realities.

You create your own reality with your beliefs. A belief is a thought or definition of a subject you keep thinking and held unto, like Abraham Hicks & Bashar would say. You can choose other definitions of belief that resonates with you. Your beliefs could be to blame a person, group, society or government for creating unpleasant reality for you. Your beliefs could be to talk or focus more on unpleasant experiences in your reality, by seeking and joining groups or platforms that fight against same or similar unpleasant experiences of yours or point them out loudly to the world.

What most people don’t realize is, the more they focus so much on these negatives they experience, the more they grow in their realities. Because you and others doing that add more fuel to them and give them more energy. And the more they do that, the pleasant experiences in their realities fade away, while the unpleasant ones grow rapidly and dominate their reality. For example, how does it make you feel the moment you are seriously beating drum of what you don’t want or you find unpleasant in your reality?

You can always change your reality, if activities in it don’t make you feel good. To do that, you have to examine the beliefs of yours that are keeping put those unpleasant experiences in your reality and start letting them go, one after the other. The easiest way of knowing beliefs that don’t serve you anymore is through your emotions, which Abraham Hicks called “Emotional Guidance System”.

Whenever you are talking about something unpleasant in your reality, you don’t feel good while on it. When you are excitedly talking about a pleasant experience, you feel joy and wonderful. Your emotions tell you how you feel about every subject you are thinking, reading, remembering, talking about, commenting on or acting on. So when you don’t feel good about anything or subject you are observing or experiencing in your reality, don’t focus on it or put your energy to it. Ignore it. Find thoughts or whatever that makes you feel good, through your emotional guidance and focus on. When you do that, your reality will start changing. More pleasant experiences will start coming, while the unpleasant ones will start fading away in your reality.

One of the beliefs that keep pleasant experiences coming into ones reality is this “Suppress Your Emotions” belief. I don’t see how that belief serves. You are a human being, meant to experience all human emotions. Whatever emotion you are feeling any moment is telling what you are creating or about to manifest in your reality. It’s telling you to make a choice or another choice, to keep what you are manifesting to continue or stop it and change whatever you are doing that moment that is making you feel that emotion, if you don’t like what will manifest.

When you feel Angry, it’s because of your definition of the subject you experienced, experiencing, observed or observing. If you find yourself overwhelmed by Anger or negative emotion, don’t suppress it. Find a means or tool to vent, to let the feeling go as quickly as possible. When you suppress an emotion, you feel powerless. And once you start having the feeling of powerlessness, you start feeling unworthy or unwanted in the world. Hence, depression could set in. Some who can’t take it anymore would sometimes take out their own lives, what the world called Suicide.

If venting will get your power back, do it. Because, you are a powerful creator in Universe and not supposed to feel less. Same way, if you feel very excited or joyful, let it out. Don’t suppress it because the world or people around you want you to. Their opinions on what you should or shouldn’t do in your reality is irrelevant, unless you give them that permission to mess up your reality.

There are ways you can let your emotions/feelings out without bothering the world about it. You can create a private group on WhatsApp or any other chat applications. You can name one group “Anger Room” and name another group “Appreciation Room”. When you are upset, angry or feeling any of the negative emotions, you can enter the Anger room and vent all your anger in there. Use emoticons as well, to express your emotions out well. As you are typing, you will notice you are feeling lighter and relief. As soon as you post it in that room, delete it. You don’t have to come back to the room to read and re-infect yourself of that experience by reading your past venting. By the time you come out of the Anger room, you will feel your power back and will take things lightly again or you start ignoring the subject that put you in that mood in the first place.

Same way you do in “Appreciation Room” whenever you feel excited about something and want to express your joyous emotions. Sometimes, other people in your reality the world called “Naysayers”, might talk down your excitement, to make you feel powerlessness or inferior to them. You can use the Appreciation room in this case, to express appreciation of positive things or experiences in your reality.

You can choose to buy small jotters and give them same titles and use them for same purposes. Tear out the pages of Anger jotter and destroy them, as soon as you finish venting in the pages. You can also visit an isolated or lonely place and express your emotions, even if you want to shout out loud while on it. What matters is to keep feeling good and to always get your power back. How you do that or whichever method you find more comfortable to achieve that is up to you.

So, now you know why your reality is the way it is. If your reality is very exciting to you, then keep doing or focusing on fun or pleasant, positive thoughts, positive definitions or positive actions and avoid negative subjects or things as much as you can. For more pleasant experiences will occupy your reality. But if you are not finding your reality funny, don’t worry about it, for you can change it with what you now know. Or you can still choose to leave in the unpleasant reality. You always have that choice.

Other people can only shape your reality when you give them permission, allow them or make their realities your business.

There is no such thing as right or wrong choice in the Universe. Only that whatever choice you make attract or manifest some experiences for you. How pleasant or unpleasant you find the experiences or the manifestations in your reality is left for you to define. Your call!

Ikenna, Lion King.

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