Conversation with Lion King (Episode 1)
Question. Lion King, they are saying you like your Peugeot cars. What do you have to say?
Lion King. I don’t like my Peugeot cars, I love them.
Q. Don’t you think it sounds disturbing to others?
Lion King. Does that matter? Let me make something clear. In this context, only 3 things exist. You either love something, hate it or you are indifferent to it. When you want something, you desire it because you love it. The thought of having it makes you feel good. Using it makes you happy. That is love. Love is that happy or joyous feeling you have. When you hate something, it means you
don’t want it. Your definition is, you don’t love it and you believe it will not serve you or doesn’t serve you if you have it already. When you are indifferent to something, you don’t love it or hate it. You just don’t feel anything about it, whether you have it already or not. So, I don’t believe one likes anything. Man, in trying not to go against programs or belief systems picked up while growing up or otherwise, invented the word “Like” in this context. They believe it’s satanic, wrong or sinful to love material things. Will talk more on that later.
Q. People complained that Peugeot lost it in the past. What’s your opinion on that?
Lion King. Peugeot never lost it. Only that people’s definitions and belief systems were influenced or changed, especially by the media. People’s definition of reliability and durability changed to something funny. Thanks to funny belief systems people were picking up and making theirs, beliefs that didn’t belong to them.
Q. What exactly do you mean by belief system?
Lion King : A thought you hold unto and keep thinking. That's belief system. Because after awhile, the thought begins to shape your reality. For example, some people picked up other people’s beliefs that Peugeot cars were not reliable. Which they did from afar, anyway. But they may experience failed engine, transmission issues, suspension failures, etc, several times during ownership of other car brands. To them, the experience still can be regarded as reliable and durable. But when he or she hears that someone’s Peugeot car headlight bulb blew or an abused Peugeot car broke down or natural wear of parts, he would join the group that preach “Peugeot cars are not reliable or durable “, without at least bothered to ask about the usage. Even owners who might joined the chorus or group will not tell how they use or abuse the entire Lion that brought those unpleasant experiences to them. Because somewhere hidden inside them, a belief is keeping them from enjoying their Lions, just like other Lion users. Another example is, Peugeot would advice, don’t just disconnect the battery terminals anyhow, because their cars are controlled by ECUs (Electronic Control Unit), otherwise known as mini computers, so that they don’t crash. Some owners would say, "Why would they suggest that? I have been doing that since their grand father’s came to Earth". So they knew better than Peugeot. They wouldn’t observe the instructions or advice. And when they eventually harm the electrical system for what they were warned, they would still turn around and complain how their cars suddenly started breaking down. Like I said, it’s just a belief system. However, people are beginning to realize these beliefs don’t actually belong to them or serve them and started letting them go. Anyone who has been using Peugeot cars from the beginning would tell you, the quality Peugeot was known for in the past has not changed. I have met quite a number of them.
Q. Since you are so passionately in love with Peugeot cars, what makes the Peugeot cars so unique to you?
Lion King. Because they posses Lion’s attitude which other brands don’t offer me.
Q. What Lions attitude?
Lion King. They are Fearless. The only attitude other animals don’t posses which Lions have is fearlessness. When you take Lion for long distance drive, trip or journey, you would understand and experience the attitude.
Q. So, it’s that why your refer Peugeot cars as “Cars With Attitude! “?
Lion King. Yes. It’s not just because of the Peugeot logo. They do posses Lions characters.
Q. Alright. Aside the Lions attitude, it’s there any other thing?
Lion King. Yes. I am Leo. So naturally, I am attracted to power and aggressiveness, and Peugeot brand provides cars that satisfy those natural instincts in me. Again, I love good life and always say Yes to it. And when it comes to good life, Peugeot cars stands out. Driving a Peugeot add a fourth name to you, Smiley!
Q. Good life? Are you saying people that criticize or say no to Peugeot cars are missing out on Good life?
Lion King. Yes, they are. Not just in Automobiles, people’s belief systems have chained them and keep them away from good life. That’s why you hear a lot complaints of shortages and limitations in the Universe, when they actually created those realities for themselves with their beliefs. In actual fact, there is abundance of everything, to whom that want them. Not by mere words, but by beliefs that serves you. People have sacrificed good life by some beliefs in them, especially beliefs that make them feel unworthy and undeserving of good life.
Q. How do you mean?
Lion King. When you close work, jump into a Peugeot and gear the Lion into action, you would know truly how sweet good life is. But when you jump into a car after a stressful day at work and the car bores you out adding to the stressful day at work, isn’t that misery? You see the difference?
Q. Quite interesting. Now, let's talk about Peugeot 607. People are saying Peugeot 607 is problematic. What do you have to say on that?
Lion King. Peugeot 607 is one of amazing cars on Earth ever produced. The thing is, people let others opinions guide theirs or give other people permission to create their realities for them, out of fear. And sometimes, out of self-doubt, self-betrayal and feeling of self-unworthiness. They let fear (beliefs) they picked up from others, such as "Peugeot cars are not reliable" be their fears too. So when they see a bigger Peugeot like 607, they would imagine, "If the smaller Peugeot cars could be problematic like they said, then this bigger one must be a nightmare". You see what I am getting at? Most times, people that criticize always stand from afar to judge. They are usually not close enough or understand the person or thing, to truly find out if the perception of what people or others have about that person or thing is really true before passing those judgments, if I may put it that way. That's why every spiritual master, books or scriptures that has ever lived or existed advised, "Judge not". Because when you do, you are judging yourself instead, probably out of fear or insecurity in you, which is what you are telling the world, by the way.
Now, everyone is appreciating Peugeot 406. Almost everyone wants to own one or have a taste of it, for those who didn't have the chance when it was new. When you ask them why, they would tell you, "Oh, I heard Peugeot 406 is very reliable, durable, aggressive and fun to drive". But what most people don't know as well is, Peugeot 607 is a luxury version of Peugeot 406. Every system you find in 406 is what you will find in 607. Only that 607 has more. Same injection systems, electrical systems, same engines and same gearboxes people complain are problematic in Peugeot 607 are same they are loving in 406. The question is, what is wrong with this picture? It's all about Belief systems I have pointed several times. Peugeot 607 is as reliable, durable, fun to own and drive just like Peugeot 406. People are just missing out on good life by letting other peoples beliefs or fear deprive them of that. Let go of beliefs that do not serve you. They are others beliefs, they don't belong to you. Because when you hold unto someone's beliefs, you have given up your life to live someone's else life.
Q. What does this warning "Ant-pollution or Depollution fault" on Peugeot Cars Multifunction Displays means?
Lion King. When you get that warning on your Lions MFD, it simply means your lion is polluting the environment and you should stop it.
Q. Wow! So that what it means?
Lion King. Yes, that's what it means. I do see those complaints from people. But even after explaining the meaning over and over, some will ask same question or post exact query already answered over and over. It's easy. They likely have beliefs that keep them from understanding it. Beliefs like, "My mechanic should know better, why bother. Or I don't need to listen to all that when I have an expert that look after mine or something similar or whatever". Once you have a contradicting belief to that want of yours or something you want to understand, you are creating resistance and your want would likely not come to fruition. That's the law, the Natural Law.
The Anti-pollution warning on Peugeot MFDs (Multifunction Display) is an indication that an injection, ignition, emission or even cooling system of the lion is malfunctioning or fault is detected, which is disrupting the proper air-fuel mixture or burning in engine combustion chambers. It could be a simple thing as disconnection or dis-communication of any the sensors/components on engine from the Engine ECU. It could be a low fuel pressure issue. It could air starvation engine issue like a blocked air filter. It could be engine vacuum leak. It could be a failing or failed Catalytic Converter. It could be something that may not even cost a dime to fix, if checked and detected early. It could be anything. All you need to do is plug in and scan the car with a proper scan tool and the culprit would be revealed and easily fixed.
But what usually happen is, people held unto others beliefs that Anti-pollution warning is an indication to "service" fuel injectors, a components most people call "Nozzle". They would always act on that belief, "Service your nozzles", even when the injectors are functioning well. Every small hiccup, black smoke, engine hesitation, jerking, stalling or high fuel consumption, it must be the "nozzles", so they must be "serviced". And when some do that and issues remain, they get frustrated. Some would either try another mechanic to "service the nozzles" better, incase the other mechanic didn't do it well, or some would give up, join online forums or groups that preach "Peugeot Cars sucks!" Funny thing is, the amount of energy and money they spend in those preaching that "Peugeot sucks", could have gotten them personal scan tools to detect those culprits that is making them act in those funny manners, and have the issues resolved and their Lions back to good health. Life is so easy, but humans makes it so complex and complicated for themselves.
The easy way is, Love your Lion and don't apologize for it to anyone or thing. Because when you love your Peugeot, you start caring for the Lion. When you care for something, you don't consider moments and money spent to keep the thing in good shape as a waste, because you would realize that you love doing those things. What you love doing, you don't consider them a waste, even if that's how others see it, a waste or stupid. Because you are happy doing them and it feels good. Bottom line is, you always have a choice, always.
Q. Buying a used Peugeot Car. Some people would prefer to buy the low mileage ones. What's your opinion?
Lion King. Choosing to buy a used Peugeot with Low mileage is good, if that what one wants. You know what you want, because you have that choice. So, it's a good thing. Nothing is wrong with your wants or choices you make. How pleasant or unpleasant you would feel when they manifest is irrelevant to Universe. You get what you ask for.
However, a low mileage car does not mean the state of the car would be better than one with higher mileage. What matters is the current state of a car, which comes down to usage.
People who are indifferent to their cars, even to brand new cars, don't give care to their cars. Some cars have had transmission or engine failure less than 100,000 km mileage, while some cars of same model type and model years have 300 - 400,000 km mileages and their engines and transmissions still performing well. I know some would ask, "What if they were lemon cars?". Well, you can tell yourself whatever you want, but everyone creates his or her own reality. How you use your car determines how reliable and durable the car stays for you. I posted a topic on revving or racing cold engine and consequences the other day in the lion community blog, how many people do you think that observe that, even when clearly stated in most owners manual? What about the known durable manual gearbox clutch components? Some, theirs failed less than 20,000 km, while others enjoyed theirs and still enjoying up to 300,000 km or more. And they would ask, "How could that be?". When Peugeot placed warning signs in some of their engine bays not to pressure wash engines with high pressure water pump, some would ignore them, which sometimes tell on the clutch components. Also, some only remove their legs from clutch pedals only when they switch off the engines. But as soon as engine is started and as long as car stays in motion, their left legs stays on the clutch pedals, no matter how long the distance. My advice, the lesser your foot visit that clutch pedal of your lion, the better for your clutch components. Changing gears doesn't mean the clutch pedal is also throttle pedal.
I could recall about a lady I know that set out on a journey of about 150 km. She covered about 90 km, only on gear 1 & 2 and never exceeded gear 2, even though the car has up to 4-speed gearbox. According to her, she chose not to exceed 80 km/h in the journey and the only reasonable gear to maintain in the journey to her was gear 2. Of course, the clutch plate/disc gave up before she could reach her destination. The car had to be towed for the rest of the journey.
What it comes down to is, focus on getting a used Peugeot car model you want in a very good condition, if used one is what you want. Mileage is irrelevant. Good maintenance culture matters in usage, when it comes to used cars. A well maintained used low mileage Peugeot is good. So don't get my point twisted. The current state of an entire car is what matters, not some figures showing up on instrument panel.
Q. If Peugeot Cars are as good as you have lectured in this conversation, how come a lot of people are busy discouraging those that want to buy Peugeot cars or switch to Peugeot brand?
Lion King. Everyone has a path. Choices and decisions need to be made to discover and follow your path or allow guidance from your inner being to your path. So there is nothing wrong for those who have chosen antagonistic path, or always seek and see negative in things they probably don't want or love, or chose to tell the world how insecure they felt in the paths they have chosen to lead. Because if your path is satisfying to you, would you really be bothered to seek satisfaction by criticizing another mans path that is non of your business? You really think so? So there is no point fighting against their paths of "Peugeot sucks!" Mission. When you give negativity attention, it grows, that is, the momentum becomes more and stronger. Why? Because negativity is an energy too. But when you shift your attention from such negative energy, they fade away in your reality. Giving them attention is giving them permission to distort your sweet reality going well for you with their negative energies.
I was watching an interesting short video clip from another interesting and inspirational entity and he said, "Misery loves company". That statement not only makes sense, but explains a lot. So when someone is trying to discourage you from buying a Peugeot or going for something you really want, know the true intention behind it. Because everyone has an intention. Everything created, realized, manifested or accomplished came into being or reality out of intention.
Everything or being has two subjects: Positive and Negative subjects. So when you want something and decide to research on that thing or find out more about it, it lies on you which subject to seek for or focus on in the research. It doesn't matter how many people online or offline are discouraging Peugeot aspirants for going for one, what matters is which of the subjects are you focusing on? Positive or Negative? Whichever subject you focus on become your reality. Because rather than ask, "What are the cons or issues of this Peugeot car?" Why not ask, "What or how can I own and run this Peugeot Car and enjoy it like those that enjoy them do?" The path you choose to focus on will lead you to people or circumstances that will provide the answers you seek. So, don't blame the anti-Peugeot entities, because they fed you what you wanted. They are following their paths, which is ok to Universe. It's you that allowed or gave them permission into your reality to mess it up for you and join their paths too. Let me put it in better words, "It's not about WHO's TELLING you what. It's about YOU BELIEVING what".
Come to think of it, what is that they know that is more important than what your Inner Being know that is good for you or will serve you? When you suddenly develop love for a Particular Peugeot car, or you get excited whenever you see that particular Peugeot car model, who or what do you think is talking to you at those moments? What exactly do you think is going on at those moments? People have been programmed from birth to give up on intuition or urge they receive, through which their inner beings communicate or guide them sometimes. Instead, they now value logic more. As good as Logic is, its man-made, that is, the conscious mind that interprets reality through feedback it gets from physical eyes. While your inner being sees beyond what conscious mind could see and interpret. Your inner being knows the path that will lead you to greatness, manifestations of your wants or desires. You are always guided on that path through intuition, urge or passion to do, have, become something or be somewhere at every moment most times. But people ignore them and seek answers from conscious or physical minds. It's one of the highest self-betrayal one can do to itself, which has been accepted as a norm in the world.
Some would give excuse that they fell in love with 2 different cars or different brand of cars at the same time and wanted to seek opinion of others on which to go for. Well, you can tell yourself whatever you want to hear, because that's what conscious mind does, always providing you reasons, excuses or rationalizations why you don't deserve that or won't succeed in that or they may be right about that, because they are better than you or you are inferior to them or you are not qualified for that or you are not worthy to have that, etc. What reason you have to give why you gave up that good life yearning to flow into your physical experience is irrelevant. Because, the Natural Law states, "Follow your highest excitement every moment, for that is the key for more excitement will eventually lead to realizing your dreams and wants that will keep you excited and more excitement keeps flowing into your experience or life". It's a circle, that once you get in and hold unto it, you will never want to let go or get out. But once you look out to seek from others if your excitements are worth it or valuable, you get thrown out of the circle, because you don't need it anymore, since you have created the doubt of its relevance.
What is your highest excitement? Let take for example, the football fans. The love of watching football matches and love of watching TV shows or movies. Someone can love watching both or is excited watching both. But when given both, to watch a FIFA world cup match finals or a TV show/moving showing on 2 different TV channels same moment. Of course, he would tune to the football channel and won't bother to check the movie channel even during spare time in the match. So the watching of football is his highest excitement, right? Just like the Law says, follow your highest excitement, to the best of your ability at every moment. The same way in every 2 cars you claimed you love or find interesting, one of them interest you most. Follow that one, it's your path , and also your least resistance. Only you know how you feel. Only you knows which car or brand excites you the most. If it's not a Peugeot, then go for the brand that excites you most. But don't mistake fear as excitement, which people introduce into their experiences that creates resistances. Fear and happiness are two different things, even though most people now mistake fear as happiness or excitement. If a Peugeot car excite you the most, what then are you looking for from antagonists or Naysayers, when your inner being is all over your case already? Having that Peugeot car could bring circumstances, people or events that would make other desires or wants of yours manifest in your reality. Remember, the inner being sees the path that will always lead to manifestation your wants, which physical or conscious mind cannot see, because its function is limited. It can only interpret the reality it could physically see. It's not the physical mind responsibility to figure out how your desire will manifest or come to fruition. Trying to do that will create a lot of resistance and effort in the creation process. It's job is to show you what you want and what you don't want. Then, focus on what you want and leave what you don't want that doesn't belong to you. You make it yours when you focus on it, even if you don't want it, Universe doesn't care. By giving your attention to something, you have asked for it, whether you intentionally want it or not.
Happiness or happy feelings begets more happiness or things that keep you in happy or joyful mood. Unhappiness or negative feelings begets more negative experiences until you shift from that unpleasant feelings. So don't beat yourself up when you find yourself feeling negative or unhappy. Just let go of whatever that is keeping you in that mood and find something that will shift your mood and make you happy. It can only serve you. So, it's not just about automobile or cars, it cut across every subject in life. Always go for that that excites you the most. Trust that feeling or intuition, which is your guidance on your path to all that you want. Remember, you want something because you believe they will make you happy having them. But choosing to ignore your inner being because some Naysayers have lined up reasons for you why you are undeserving of good life or wants to have more company in their paths they found unpleasing, since large numbers gives illusion of safety. Which is the reason you always hear Naysayers saying, "Everybody does it. Everone can't be wrong. 1 billion people can't be wrong". That's all they got to feel they think they are happy because large numbers of people are on their paths. Don't join anyone's path. Lead the fun life you came to this physical life to experience. You are not meant to figure it out, choose or decide for anyone his or her path. Let everyone make that choice. If they find your path interesting or pleasing, they will come close and would like to know the secret to your interesting path, which is following ones Bliss. That way, they will get to choose whether to listen to their inner being to guide them to their path or continue living in other peoples paths. You, everyone always have a choice, always.
Q. Hmmm! Very interesting! Do you have more suggestions on how one can overcome fear that keeps them away from going for Peugeot cars they want?
Lion King. It's OK to be afraid when you are following your highest excitement. Because your conscious mind will always bring in fear factor why you should say no to that excitement. The other day, someone said to me, "Lion King, you must be out of your mind!". I was so happy when I heard that. Because, it was a proof and manifestation that I was really out of my mind which I have been training myself for. What people don't know is, being out of mind means you have given up your conscious mind from guiding your life or creating your reality for you. Your conscious mind mostly see limitations or shortages. Mostly, It sees shortage of money, fuel scarcity, Terrorism, War, Not enough to go round, lack of this lack or lack of that, basically limitations. But your inner being sees only love in everything and in everyone, abundance of wealth, abundant health, peace, well being, and every positive word or thing you could ever imagined. So, it was a compliment to be told I must be out of my conscious mind. It was a blessing, a gift.
So, again, it's not about WHO's TELLING you what. It's about YOU BELIEVING what. Always remember that misery loves company. Never ever forget that in every circumstance, you always have a choice, always. You either give others permission to distort your reality or you allow your inner being to guide you in your path to greatness and more fun in life. I chose Peugeot because those wild animals are not just fun to drive, they constantly put me in happy and receptive mode.
Conversation to be continued... Watch out for Episode 2.
Ikenna, Lion King
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Two Lions having Conversation |
Conversation with Lion King (Episode 1)
Question. Lion King, they are saying you like your Peugeot cars. What do you have to say?
Lion King. I don’t like my Peugeot cars, I love them.
Q. Don’t you think it sounds disturbing to others?
Lion King. Does that matter? Let me make something clear. In this context, only 3 things exist. You either love something, hate it or you are indifferent to it. When you want something, you desire it because you love it. The thought of having it makes you feel good. Using it makes you happy. That is love. Love is that happy or joyous feeling you have. When you hate something, it means you
don’t want it. Your definition is, you don’t love it and you believe it will not serve you or doesn’t serve you if you have it already. When you are indifferent to something, you don’t love it or hate it. You just don’t feel anything about it, whether you have it already or not. So, I don’t believe one likes anything. Man, in trying not to go against programs or belief systems picked up while growing up or otherwise, invented the word “Like” in this context. They believe it’s satanic, wrong or sinful to love material things. Will talk more on that later.
Q. People complained that Peugeot lost it in the past. What’s your opinion on that?
Lion King. Peugeot never lost it. Only that people’s definitions and belief systems were influenced or changed, especially by the media. People’s definition of reliability and durability changed to something funny. Thanks to funny belief systems people were picking up and making theirs, beliefs that didn’t belong to them.
Q. What exactly do you mean by belief system?
Lion King : A thought you hold unto and keep thinking. That's belief system. Because after awhile, the thought begins to shape your reality. For example, some people picked up other people’s beliefs that Peugeot cars were not reliable. Which they did from afar, anyway. But they may experience failed engine, transmission issues, suspension failures, etc, several times during ownership of other car brands. To them, the experience still can be regarded as reliable and durable. But when he or she hears that someone’s Peugeot car headlight bulb blew or an abused Peugeot car broke down or natural wear of parts, he would join the group that preach “Peugeot cars are not reliable or durable “, without at least bothered to ask about the usage. Even owners who might joined the chorus or group will not tell how they use or abuse the entire Lion that brought those unpleasant experiences to them. Because somewhere hidden inside them, a belief is keeping them from enjoying their Lions, just like other Lion users. Another example is, Peugeot would advice, don’t just disconnect the battery terminals anyhow, because their cars are controlled by ECUs (Electronic Control Unit), otherwise known as mini computers, so that they don’t crash. Some owners would say, "Why would they suggest that? I have been doing that since their grand father’s came to Earth". So they knew better than Peugeot. They wouldn’t observe the instructions or advice. And when they eventually harm the electrical system for what they were warned, they would still turn around and complain how their cars suddenly started breaking down. Like I said, it’s just a belief system. However, people are beginning to realize these beliefs don’t actually belong to them or serve them and started letting them go. Anyone who has been using Peugeot cars from the beginning would tell you, the quality Peugeot was known for in the past has not changed. I have met quite a number of them.
Q. Since you are so passionately in love with Peugeot cars, what makes the Peugeot cars so unique to you?
Lion King. Because they posses Lion’s attitude which other brands don’t offer me.
Q. What Lions attitude?
Lion King. They are Fearless. The only attitude other animals don’t posses which Lions have is fearlessness. When you take Lion for long distance drive, trip or journey, you would understand and experience the attitude.
Q. So, it’s that why your refer Peugeot cars as “Cars With Attitude! “?
Lion King. Yes. It’s not just because of the Peugeot logo. They do posses Lions characters.
Q. Alright. Aside the Lions attitude, it’s there any other thing?
Lion King. Yes. I am Leo. So naturally, I am attracted to power and aggressiveness, and Peugeot brand provides cars that satisfy those natural instincts in me. Again, I love good life and always say Yes to it. And when it comes to good life, Peugeot cars stands out. Driving a Peugeot add a fourth name to you, Smiley!
Q. Good life? Are you saying people that criticize or say no to Peugeot cars are missing out on Good life?
Lion King. Yes, they are. Not just in Automobiles, people’s belief systems have chained them and keep them away from good life. That’s why you hear a lot complaints of shortages and limitations in the Universe, when they actually created those realities for themselves with their beliefs. In actual fact, there is abundance of everything, to whom that want them. Not by mere words, but by beliefs that serves you. People have sacrificed good life by some beliefs in them, especially beliefs that make them feel unworthy and undeserving of good life.
Q. How do you mean?
Lion King. When you close work, jump into a Peugeot and gear the Lion into action, you would know truly how sweet good life is. But when you jump into a car after a stressful day at work and the car bores you out adding to the stressful day at work, isn’t that misery? You see the difference?
Q. Quite interesting. Now, let's talk about Peugeot 607. People are saying Peugeot 607 is problematic. What do you have to say on that?
Lion King. Peugeot 607 is one of amazing cars on Earth ever produced. The thing is, people let others opinions guide theirs or give other people permission to create their realities for them, out of fear. And sometimes, out of self-doubt, self-betrayal and feeling of self-unworthiness. They let fear (beliefs) they picked up from others, such as "Peugeot cars are not reliable" be their fears too. So when they see a bigger Peugeot like 607, they would imagine, "If the smaller Peugeot cars could be problematic like they said, then this bigger one must be a nightmare". You see what I am getting at? Most times, people that criticize always stand from afar to judge. They are usually not close enough or understand the person or thing, to truly find out if the perception of what people or others have about that person or thing is really true before passing those judgments, if I may put it that way. That's why every spiritual master, books or scriptures that has ever lived or existed advised, "Judge not". Because when you do, you are judging yourself instead, probably out of fear or insecurity in you, which is what you are telling the world, by the way.
Now, everyone is appreciating Peugeot 406. Almost everyone wants to own one or have a taste of it, for those who didn't have the chance when it was new. When you ask them why, they would tell you, "Oh, I heard Peugeot 406 is very reliable, durable, aggressive and fun to drive". But what most people don't know as well is, Peugeot 607 is a luxury version of Peugeot 406. Every system you find in 406 is what you will find in 607. Only that 607 has more. Same injection systems, electrical systems, same engines and same gearboxes people complain are problematic in Peugeot 607 are same they are loving in 406. The question is, what is wrong with this picture? It's all about Belief systems I have pointed several times. Peugeot 607 is as reliable, durable, fun to own and drive just like Peugeot 406. People are just missing out on good life by letting other peoples beliefs or fear deprive them of that. Let go of beliefs that do not serve you. They are others beliefs, they don't belong to you. Because when you hold unto someone's beliefs, you have given up your life to live someone's else life.
Q. What does this warning "Ant-pollution or Depollution fault" on Peugeot Cars Multifunction Displays means?
Lion King. When you get that warning on your Lions MFD, it simply means your lion is polluting the environment and you should stop it.
Q. Wow! So that what it means?
Lion King. Yes, that's what it means. I do see those complaints from people. But even after explaining the meaning over and over, some will ask same question or post exact query already answered over and over. It's easy. They likely have beliefs that keep them from understanding it. Beliefs like, "My mechanic should know better, why bother. Or I don't need to listen to all that when I have an expert that look after mine or something similar or whatever". Once you have a contradicting belief to that want of yours or something you want to understand, you are creating resistance and your want would likely not come to fruition. That's the law, the Natural Law.
The Anti-pollution warning on Peugeot MFDs (Multifunction Display) is an indication that an injection, ignition, emission or even cooling system of the lion is malfunctioning or fault is detected, which is disrupting the proper air-fuel mixture or burning in engine combustion chambers. It could be a simple thing as disconnection or dis-communication of any the sensors/components on engine from the Engine ECU. It could be a low fuel pressure issue. It could air starvation engine issue like a blocked air filter. It could be engine vacuum leak. It could be a failing or failed Catalytic Converter. It could be something that may not even cost a dime to fix, if checked and detected early. It could be anything. All you need to do is plug in and scan the car with a proper scan tool and the culprit would be revealed and easily fixed.
But what usually happen is, people held unto others beliefs that Anti-pollution warning is an indication to "service" fuel injectors, a components most people call "Nozzle". They would always act on that belief, "Service your nozzles", even when the injectors are functioning well. Every small hiccup, black smoke, engine hesitation, jerking, stalling or high fuel consumption, it must be the "nozzles", so they must be "serviced". And when some do that and issues remain, they get frustrated. Some would either try another mechanic to "service the nozzles" better, incase the other mechanic didn't do it well, or some would give up, join online forums or groups that preach "Peugeot Cars sucks!" Funny thing is, the amount of energy and money they spend in those preaching that "Peugeot sucks", could have gotten them personal scan tools to detect those culprits that is making them act in those funny manners, and have the issues resolved and their Lions back to good health. Life is so easy, but humans makes it so complex and complicated for themselves.
The easy way is, Love your Lion and don't apologize for it to anyone or thing. Because when you love your Peugeot, you start caring for the Lion. When you care for something, you don't consider moments and money spent to keep the thing in good shape as a waste, because you would realize that you love doing those things. What you love doing, you don't consider them a waste, even if that's how others see it, a waste or stupid. Because you are happy doing them and it feels good. Bottom line is, you always have a choice, always.
Q. Buying a used Peugeot Car. Some people would prefer to buy the low mileage ones. What's your opinion?
Lion King. Choosing to buy a used Peugeot with Low mileage is good, if that what one wants. You know what you want, because you have that choice. So, it's a good thing. Nothing is wrong with your wants or choices you make. How pleasant or unpleasant you would feel when they manifest is irrelevant to Universe. You get what you ask for.
However, a low mileage car does not mean the state of the car would be better than one with higher mileage. What matters is the current state of a car, which comes down to usage.
People who are indifferent to their cars, even to brand new cars, don't give care to their cars. Some cars have had transmission or engine failure less than 100,000 km mileage, while some cars of same model type and model years have 300 - 400,000 km mileages and their engines and transmissions still performing well. I know some would ask, "What if they were lemon cars?". Well, you can tell yourself whatever you want, but everyone creates his or her own reality. How you use your car determines how reliable and durable the car stays for you. I posted a topic on revving or racing cold engine and consequences the other day in the lion community blog, how many people do you think that observe that, even when clearly stated in most owners manual? What about the known durable manual gearbox clutch components? Some, theirs failed less than 20,000 km, while others enjoyed theirs and still enjoying up to 300,000 km or more. And they would ask, "How could that be?". When Peugeot placed warning signs in some of their engine bays not to pressure wash engines with high pressure water pump, some would ignore them, which sometimes tell on the clutch components. Also, some only remove their legs from clutch pedals only when they switch off the engines. But as soon as engine is started and as long as car stays in motion, their left legs stays on the clutch pedals, no matter how long the distance. My advice, the lesser your foot visit that clutch pedal of your lion, the better for your clutch components. Changing gears doesn't mean the clutch pedal is also throttle pedal.
I could recall about a lady I know that set out on a journey of about 150 km. She covered about 90 km, only on gear 1 & 2 and never exceeded gear 2, even though the car has up to 4-speed gearbox. According to her, she chose not to exceed 80 km/h in the journey and the only reasonable gear to maintain in the journey to her was gear 2. Of course, the clutch plate/disc gave up before she could reach her destination. The car had to be towed for the rest of the journey.
What it comes down to is, focus on getting a used Peugeot car model you want in a very good condition, if used one is what you want. Mileage is irrelevant. Good maintenance culture matters in usage, when it comes to used cars. A well maintained used low mileage Peugeot is good. So don't get my point twisted. The current state of an entire car is what matters, not some figures showing up on instrument panel.
Q. If Peugeot Cars are as good as you have lectured in this conversation, how come a lot of people are busy discouraging those that want to buy Peugeot cars or switch to Peugeot brand?
Lion King. Everyone has a path. Choices and decisions need to be made to discover and follow your path or allow guidance from your inner being to your path. So there is nothing wrong for those who have chosen antagonistic path, or always seek and see negative in things they probably don't want or love, or chose to tell the world how insecure they felt in the paths they have chosen to lead. Because if your path is satisfying to you, would you really be bothered to seek satisfaction by criticizing another mans path that is non of your business? You really think so? So there is no point fighting against their paths of "Peugeot sucks!" Mission. When you give negativity attention, it grows, that is, the momentum becomes more and stronger. Why? Because negativity is an energy too. But when you shift your attention from such negative energy, they fade away in your reality. Giving them attention is giving them permission to distort your sweet reality going well for you with their negative energies.
I was watching an interesting short video clip from another interesting and inspirational entity and he said, "Misery loves company". That statement not only makes sense, but explains a lot. So when someone is trying to discourage you from buying a Peugeot or going for something you really want, know the true intention behind it. Because everyone has an intention. Everything created, realized, manifested or accomplished came into being or reality out of intention.
Everything or being has two subjects: Positive and Negative subjects. So when you want something and decide to research on that thing or find out more about it, it lies on you which subject to seek for or focus on in the research. It doesn't matter how many people online or offline are discouraging Peugeot aspirants for going for one, what matters is which of the subjects are you focusing on? Positive or Negative? Whichever subject you focus on become your reality. Because rather than ask, "What are the cons or issues of this Peugeot car?" Why not ask, "What or how can I own and run this Peugeot Car and enjoy it like those that enjoy them do?" The path you choose to focus on will lead you to people or circumstances that will provide the answers you seek. So, don't blame the anti-Peugeot entities, because they fed you what you wanted. They are following their paths, which is ok to Universe. It's you that allowed or gave them permission into your reality to mess it up for you and join their paths too. Let me put it in better words, "It's not about WHO's TELLING you what. It's about YOU BELIEVING what".
Come to think of it, what is that they know that is more important than what your Inner Being know that is good for you or will serve you? When you suddenly develop love for a Particular Peugeot car, or you get excited whenever you see that particular Peugeot car model, who or what do you think is talking to you at those moments? What exactly do you think is going on at those moments? People have been programmed from birth to give up on intuition or urge they receive, through which their inner beings communicate or guide them sometimes. Instead, they now value logic more. As good as Logic is, its man-made, that is, the conscious mind that interprets reality through feedback it gets from physical eyes. While your inner being sees beyond what conscious mind could see and interpret. Your inner being knows the path that will lead you to greatness, manifestations of your wants or desires. You are always guided on that path through intuition, urge or passion to do, have, become something or be somewhere at every moment most times. But people ignore them and seek answers from conscious or physical minds. It's one of the highest self-betrayal one can do to itself, which has been accepted as a norm in the world.
Some would give excuse that they fell in love with 2 different cars or different brand of cars at the same time and wanted to seek opinion of others on which to go for. Well, you can tell yourself whatever you want to hear, because that's what conscious mind does, always providing you reasons, excuses or rationalizations why you don't deserve that or won't succeed in that or they may be right about that, because they are better than you or you are inferior to them or you are not qualified for that or you are not worthy to have that, etc. What reason you have to give why you gave up that good life yearning to flow into your physical experience is irrelevant. Because, the Natural Law states, "Follow your highest excitement every moment, for that is the key for more excitement will eventually lead to realizing your dreams and wants that will keep you excited and more excitement keeps flowing into your experience or life". It's a circle, that once you get in and hold unto it, you will never want to let go or get out. But once you look out to seek from others if your excitements are worth it or valuable, you get thrown out of the circle, because you don't need it anymore, since you have created the doubt of its relevance.
What is your highest excitement? Let take for example, the football fans. The love of watching football matches and love of watching TV shows or movies. Someone can love watching both or is excited watching both. But when given both, to watch a FIFA world cup match finals or a TV show/moving showing on 2 different TV channels same moment. Of course, he would tune to the football channel and won't bother to check the movie channel even during spare time in the match. So the watching of football is his highest excitement, right? Just like the Law says, follow your highest excitement, to the best of your ability at every moment. The same way in every 2 cars you claimed you love or find interesting, one of them interest you most. Follow that one, it's your path , and also your least resistance. Only you know how you feel. Only you knows which car or brand excites you the most. If it's not a Peugeot, then go for the brand that excites you most. But don't mistake fear as excitement, which people introduce into their experiences that creates resistances. Fear and happiness are two different things, even though most people now mistake fear as happiness or excitement. If a Peugeot car excite you the most, what then are you looking for from antagonists or Naysayers, when your inner being is all over your case already? Having that Peugeot car could bring circumstances, people or events that would make other desires or wants of yours manifest in your reality. Remember, the inner being sees the path that will always lead to manifestation your wants, which physical or conscious mind cannot see, because its function is limited. It can only interpret the reality it could physically see. It's not the physical mind responsibility to figure out how your desire will manifest or come to fruition. Trying to do that will create a lot of resistance and effort in the creation process. It's job is to show you what you want and what you don't want. Then, focus on what you want and leave what you don't want that doesn't belong to you. You make it yours when you focus on it, even if you don't want it, Universe doesn't care. By giving your attention to something, you have asked for it, whether you intentionally want it or not.
Happiness or happy feelings begets more happiness or things that keep you in happy or joyful mood. Unhappiness or negative feelings begets more negative experiences until you shift from that unpleasant feelings. So don't beat yourself up when you find yourself feeling negative or unhappy. Just let go of whatever that is keeping you in that mood and find something that will shift your mood and make you happy. It can only serve you. So, it's not just about automobile or cars, it cut across every subject in life. Always go for that that excites you the most. Trust that feeling or intuition, which is your guidance on your path to all that you want. Remember, you want something because you believe they will make you happy having them. But choosing to ignore your inner being because some Naysayers have lined up reasons for you why you are undeserving of good life or wants to have more company in their paths they found unpleasing, since large numbers gives illusion of safety. Which is the reason you always hear Naysayers saying, "Everybody does it. Everone can't be wrong. 1 billion people can't be wrong". That's all they got to feel they think they are happy because large numbers of people are on their paths. Don't join anyone's path. Lead the fun life you came to this physical life to experience. You are not meant to figure it out, choose or decide for anyone his or her path. Let everyone make that choice. If they find your path interesting or pleasing, they will come close and would like to know the secret to your interesting path, which is following ones Bliss. That way, they will get to choose whether to listen to their inner being to guide them to their path or continue living in other peoples paths. You, everyone always have a choice, always.
Q. Hmmm! Very interesting! Do you have more suggestions on how one can overcome fear that keeps them away from going for Peugeot cars they want?
Lion King. It's OK to be afraid when you are following your highest excitement. Because your conscious mind will always bring in fear factor why you should say no to that excitement. The other day, someone said to me, "Lion King, you must be out of your mind!". I was so happy when I heard that. Because, it was a proof and manifestation that I was really out of my mind which I have been training myself for. What people don't know is, being out of mind means you have given up your conscious mind from guiding your life or creating your reality for you. Your conscious mind mostly see limitations or shortages. Mostly, It sees shortage of money, fuel scarcity, Terrorism, War, Not enough to go round, lack of this lack or lack of that, basically limitations. But your inner being sees only love in everything and in everyone, abundance of wealth, abundant health, peace, well being, and every positive word or thing you could ever imagined. So, it was a compliment to be told I must be out of my conscious mind. It was a blessing, a gift.
So, again, it's not about WHO's TELLING you what. It's about YOU BELIEVING what. Always remember that misery loves company. Never ever forget that in every circumstance, you always have a choice, always. You either give others permission to distort your reality or you allow your inner being to guide you in your path to greatness and more fun in life. I chose Peugeot because those wild animals are not just fun to drive, they constantly put me in happy and receptive mode.
Conversation to be continued... Watch out for Episode 2.
Ikenna, Lion King
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