Monday 6 March 2017

Difference Between Tolerating & Allowing


1. You are tolerating when you “put up” with something that displeases you to please another or others or to practice a belief, which keeps malice, resentment, sadness, unhappiness or resistance in you.

2. Sacrifice can be another word for tolerance.


1. You are allowing when you “let” others Religious or Spiritual beliefs be ok for them, and not trying to change their beliefs to yours, with understanding that paths of least resistance or most allowing differ.

2. You are allowing when you let one who chooses to be poor, talking about or focusing on poverty and limitedness be, with understanding that they are having step 1 creation process.

3. You are allowing when you let other peoples opinion of you  be ok for them, since their opinions of you is no business of yours. And also with understanding that your opinion or definition of you is what creates your reality, not theirs.

4. You are allowing when you let Government and Politicians be, with understanding that they don't create your personal economy, wealth or reality, but you, as long as you don't make their business yours.

5. You are allowing when you don't rely your happiness on others opinions, behaviours, attitudes, beliefs, perspectives, actions or utterances. Even from loved ones, colleagues, public figures, news media, social media, friends, parents or children, with understanding that happiness is a state of being you can always choose to have and maintain every moment , irrespective of external factors.

6. You are allowing when you don't need anyone to change to how you want them to be, behave or want them have, for you to love them, even if it means loving them from a distance. With understanding that he or she is selfishly living his or her own individual life he or she purposely came for, same way you selfishly came to live yours.

7. You are allowing when you let anyone that wants to own or drive a Diesel car, Petrol car, high powered car, less powered car, Peugeot cars, non Peugeot cars, smaller or big sizes cars  be ok with you, with understanding of what varieties means , since we didn't all come to this physical time space reality  to want, desire or like same things, and also depending on our individual paths of least resistance or highest excitements on cars.

8. You are allowing when you are not judging or choosing for others how they should drive, use or maintain their cars, but focus only on how you do yours and let others interested in how you do yours seek for the learning of yours from you or through observation.

9. You are allowing when you are not needing anyone to agree with you or get you.

10. You are allowing when you no longer look at the past, judge yourself with your past, afraid of your now or future because of your past, with understanding that your Inner being never looks back or judge you, hence, you are on a clean state now, always in every moment of your physical life.

To tolerate and allow can be similar , in the sense that both create your reality. However, the clear difference between them is, Tolerating creates or manifests things you don't want to experience , while Allowing creates experiences or things you want or love to have in your reality. It's a question of which one you choose, for you have that choice. You always do.

Ikenna, Lion King.

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